GCH Finnabair Pride of Wicklow
AKC Reg. #: RN06198302 ~ DOB: 07/05/04 ~ Call name: Stanley
Stanley was Amy's first Glen of Imaal Terrier, it was love at first sight, and they've been inseparable ever since.
Stanley started a very successful show career with a Terrier Group 2 at his first puppy match and then won his first major at the age of 7 months. At just 16 months of age, at the “grand and elegant” 2005 Morris and Essex Kennel Club show in Somerset, NJ, he was Winners Dog, Best of Winners, and Best Opposite Sex, defeating all males entered, including four champions. He earned three five-point majors that week, and went on to a successful show career as a champion.
Stanley has continued to do well competing as a veteran; he finished 2012 undefeated, ranked #6 in the country at the age of 8 years, including a few supported entry wins. We continued to show Stanley on a limited basis in 2013 as a 9 year old; he won eleven Best of Breeds and finished the year ranked #8.
Stanley is the first Grand Champion (GCH) Glen of Imaal Terrier in the state of Washington. He's the proud father of three litters. A handful of his get have also earned their championships, including our Violet and his son, GCH Liberty's Padraig (Paddy). Paddy has had many group placements and several prestigious Best of Breed wins.
After a long and venerated career, Stanley's considering retirement.
PRA status: Clear
Personality: Kind, confident, friendly toward all people and all dogs
CH Liberty's Colors of Keadeen
AKC Reg. #: RN20955703 ~ DOB: 07/23/10 ~ Call name: Violet
Violet is our second Glen and Stanley's daughter, bred by Ara Lynn of Liberty Glens. Violet's dam is CH Daulton Delivers Patience, a lovely group-placing blue brindle.
Violet and Jerry bonded immediately and have enjoyed a lot of success, inside the show ring and out. They have learned a substantial amount from each other.
2013 was a big year for our Violet. In January she started the year very well winning the first ever major for Glen of Imaal Terriers in the state of Washington.
Violet had several more wins, including 2 more majors. By the time June rolled around she finished her championship, becoming the first Glen of Imaal Terrier to earn all of her championship points in the state of Washington. She's won three Best of Breeds- even defeating her father, Stanley, from the classes. Violet started her career as a special winning Best of Breed at the All Terrier Club of Western Washington in Redmond, WA. She finished 2013 ranked #14.
Violet has since officially retired from showing and motherhood and is generally enjoying life. She's still very active and frequently plays with her kids and grandkids.
PRA Status: Clear
Personality: Thoughtful, kind, affectionate, friendly
CH Daulton's Little Riot at Keadeen
AKC Reg. #: RN24050902 ~ DOB: 05/27/12 ~ Call name: Arya
There are no two ways about it, Arya is our little troublemaker... hence her registered name! She insists on being the life of any party, whether we're in the mood for one or not... She's got an infectious sense of humor and is a complete and utter joy to have in our house. Arya is also Stanley's daughter; her mother is GCH Daulton's Oriana of Cill Dara, a multiple group placer.
Arya had some significant successes early in her show career. We began showing her locally starting in 2013. Her breeders, Jody Daulton and Pam Estes, showed her at the prestigious Montgomery County Kennel Club (MCKC) Terrier Specialty, as well as Hatboro and Devon. Arya was Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best of Breed Bred By at Hatboro II for a four-point major. At 16 months old, her crowning acheivment thus far was at MCKC (which is also the Glen of Imaal Terrier National Specialty), winning Best of Breed Bred By and Reserve Winners Bitch. We were so proud of PJ and Arya—they made a great team!
Since then, Arya finished her championship and has retired from showing and other dog sports. She's living in Portland, OR with our good friends who pamper her every day.
PRA Status: Carrier
Personality: Confident, out-going, sweet, sassy, friendly